2021年7月22日 星期四

獲得國內腦刺激專家證書: 腦神經刺激術之臨床執行認證證書

謝謝學會的肯定與用心(有質感的木框)    "腦神經刺激術之臨床執行認證證書"

  • 歐盟經顱磁刺激(TMS)證書
  • 美國臨床經顱磁刺激(TMS)會員
  • 109/12引進Apollo TMS,已治療超過200人次,110/05首次完成困難個案住院TMS治療
  • 引進新一代HRV進行治療前後生物標記評估
  • 引進CES微電流刺激提供更多腦刺激治療
  • 發表腦刺激研究SCI論文10篇 

1. Chang C-H, Chen S-J, Chang C-H, Tsai H-CJTJon, neurosciences c. Manic episode following a combined treatment of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and venlafaxine. 2010;22(2):247. e218-247. e219.
2. Chang C-H, Chen S-Y, Hsiao Y-L, et al. Hypomania-like syndrome induced by deep brain stimulation of bilateral anterior limbs of the internal capsules. 2009;33(5):906-907.
3. Chang C-H, Chen S-Y, Hsiao Y-L, Tsai S-T, Tsai H-CJJon. Hypomania with hypersexuality following bilateral anterior limb stimulation in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Case report. 2010;112(6):1299-1300.
4. Chang C-H, Chen S-Y, Tsai S-T, Tsai H-CJM. Compulsive skin-picking behavior after deep brain stimulation in a patient with refractory obsessive–compulsive disorder: A case report. 2017;96(36).
5. Chang C-H, Lane H-Y, Lin C-HJFip. Brain stimulation in Alzheimer's disease. 2018;9:201.
6. Chang C-H, Tsai H-C. Acute deep brain stimulation effects of bilateral anterior limbs of the internal capsules in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Paper presented at: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY2010.
7. Chang C-H, Tsai H-CJPiN, Psychiatry B. Reply to: Are the anterior internal capsules and nucleus accumbens suitable DBS targets for the treatment of depression? 2011;1(35):311.
8. Chen S-J, Chang C-H, Tsai H-C, Chen S-T, Lin CCJND, Treatment. Superior antidepressant effect occurring 1 month after rTMS: add-on rTMS for subjects with medication-resistant depression. 2013;9:397.
9. Tsai HC, Chang CH, Pan JI, et al. Pilot study of deep brain stimulation in refractory obsessive–compulsive disorder ethnic Chinese patients. 2012;66(4):303-312.
10. Tsai H-C, Chang C-H, Pan J-I, et al. acute stimulation effect of the ventral capsule/ventral striatum in patients with refractory obsessive–compulsive disorder–a double-blinded trial. 2014;10:63.
11. Tsai H-C, Chen S-Y, Tsai S-T, Hung H-Y, Chang C-HJBp. Hypomania following bilateral ventral capsule stimulation in a patient with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder. 2010;68(2):e7-e8.
12. Yen IL, Chang CH, Tsai HC, Chen SYJ한학자. Cognitive functioning in refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder following deep brain stimulation. 2013;2013(2):242-242.